Monday, September 04, 2006


it was the longestttttttttttttttttttttt trip (coming from ust to tandang sora) i ever had..
it was raining hard..
the sky looked like a sepia tone in someone's cellphone..
it looked like something is going to happen..
it looked like there's a typhoon..i actually don't know if there's one..

i got home at 9:30 in the evening because of the flood we got into

we were 13 in a van.. all student..except the one who is driving..
we waited patiently inside the van.. turned off the aircon because the car might overheat..
windows open..looking at a group of people, crossing the street.. not minding the black color of the water..
students, carrying their shoes, walking with their bare feet.. holding their respective umbrellas..trying to walk in the streets and hoping that they could go home safely..

flood just kept the point that manongs had to push the van just to cross the street

inside the van, we just entertained ourselves by singing.sending the corniest jokes on earth, and even chit chatting with other people stranded in the street..nice:D

after 2 and a half hours in espana..we finally got through with the nasty flood..

thank God, i got home safe! thanks to thorny for the ride!:D


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